OK, that's it, the trip is over! We all had a great time, and it
appears our web audience had fun reading our diaries as well. Here are some final words
from all involved, but first we have to crown the El Vurpo of the
year! Who wins the great title? Well, this year we don't have a crystal clear
winner like last year (that was Henrik, for falling before a jump, jumping anyway while
still rolling, landing on one ski, shouting in glee while skiing faster and faster on that
one ski, trying to stop in panic as he approaches the next big jump on only one ski, and
finally collapsing into a big snowy mess). But after careful consideration and
statistical analysis, the choice is quite clear.
The El Vurpo of 1998 is: Mattias! Not for any one particular fall, but because he on two different days fell spectacularly on the same slope, and thereby gained the El Vurpo (of the day) title twice. Although Anders was very close to earning the title for vurping beautifully right in the airpart departure hall, while playing "nudd" with Henrik and trying to turn around in mid-sprint. Hurray for El Vurpo de la Fjantmas! May he live forever and his bones heal fast!
Hmm, hard to place Spain when it comes to food.
Seafood was great, but there was definately a lack of pasta.
Is it only Italy that specializes in pasta?
Zup with that?!?
Jannet! Where did all the snow go?!?
Back here in Sweden... and there is no snow left?
Last week when we left, there was a whole bunch!
Look for yourself!
Thanks y'all for a wonderful time, and lets begin planning next year soooon.
Next year in Uzbekistan?
En Français peut-être?
Nagano, släng dig i väggen! I Granada och Sierra Nevada har The Skigang deltagit i andra sympatiska, om än inofficiella, OS-grenar som pist-"nudd", vem-flyger-högst-hoppning, lift-musicerande, gissa-var-skidbacken-övergår-i-himmel-åkning (dimman låg stundtals MYCKET tät över bergen), ansiktssolstekning (med högst varierande resultat beroende på solskyddsfaktor; själv lånade jag Anettes faktor 45... efter att ha bränt mig dag ett), San Miguel drickande, Alhambra-turistande (wow, de kunde verkligen lägga mosaik de gamla morerna!) och sists men inte minsta äta gott, sjunga väl (nåja...) och blanda ord från olika språk helt hämningslöst. This skitrip rules!
España, the place where you find
20 year old brandy rules!
Long live Pablo Tours!
Considering the terrible start we had on the first day, this trip turned out much better than I dared hope! Great hotel, great neighbourhood, great skiing and (most importantly) great company! And the web idea worked out after all, even though it was hard to find time and muster the mental energy to sit down and actually make the web pages... but these pages will remain right here as a (hopefully) permanent memory of this trip.
Beavis & Butthead, MacDOONAAALDS, Humfred, Twist & Shout, "Nudd", Dammit (Jannet)!, skiing cows, olive trees, skiing inside clouds, good food (except that %&#@! beef file at the Morockan restaurant), El Vurpo, twisty mountain roads, breathtaking views, impossibly huge caves, no throwing toilet paper at the toilet, 20-year old brandy, Alhambra, our cute cars, ... lots of nice memories :o)
Thanks everyone!
Wow, Spain's kinda wicked don't you think... I think I might go back and find myself a wickedly handsome Spaniard and live there - that would be sorted. Seriously thanks to all of you for a wonderful week with lots of good company and fun. It's so nice to have met some new friends too so let's do this again next year, we can't break our tradition now can we? I miss you all, Spain and the Ski Gang rule!
En skidsemester som denna har jag drömt om i åratal. När kosan skulle styras mot Spanien och Sierra Nevada var jag bara tvungen att följa med. Återstod att lämna hus och hem och ta Mammaledigt en vecka.
Lördagens nattåk var en stor upplevelse. Söndagen i Alhambra med omgivning mycket givande. Måndagen fick jag en grundkurs i "bli vän med dina skidor" samt liftåkning av Sia, kunskaper som kom väl till pass under veckan. Samma dag försvann Mårten in i dimman och en stund senare Erland på samma vis...
Tisdagen erövrade jag de underbara blå backarna på andra sidan parabolen. Där förblev jag under hela nästa dag också förutom på slutet då jag prövandes en röd backe uppfann en ny åkstil, som av Erland raskt döptes till "det fallande lövet", eftersom jag gled framåt, sen bakåt, framåt, bakåt osv.
Sista dagen blev pannkaka. Pjäxorna krånglade och mina nyförvärvade kunskaper blåstes bort i en hast. Jag fick som tröst rabatt på 3000 pst hos skiduthyraren att utnyttja närhelst jag kommer tillbaka. Kanske var mina ben också en smula trötta efter fyra dagars intensiv träning.
Stort TACK till Moffe för trevligt rumssällskap, till Doffe, och Anette för fina pedagogiska insatser, samt till er alla för en helt fantastisk vecka!!
Huhu huu ..Spain is like cool and shit.....huuhu hu
Jag lider redan av svår skidabstinens. Detta gav verkligen mersmak! På några dagar har jag i alla fall lärt mig åka lika bra som genomsnittsspanjoren ;-)
Kul att det ska vara mindre snö i Stockholm än i Spanien, förresten...
Jag frälste Sophia! Telemark på er alla!
Janet! I hate it! Why have we come home to dreary ol Sweden???? I've just taken a
shower and I've
got a whiskey in my hand and well, I feel quite lost in this cold country. Boy Sierra
Nevada was great!
Skiing all day (or most of the day) and relaxing in the company of friends was just the
thing I
needed... I've even got callouses on my fingers from the skiing! hehe Man!
*big hug to all the members of the dreaded Ski Gang!*
Mattias the tapeworm
Last view of Sierra Nevada from the plane
Homebound but happy!